Hervey Bay Bible Church
Bible Camp & Retreat Center
Our Mission
Why are we here?
1. Vision - To reach out and proclaim the Gospel with the Love of Christ to those in Hervey Bay who do not yet know and trust Christ.
2. Mission - The Hervey Bay Bible Church exists: a. To reach the unsaved with the Gospel. b. To be a caring family in Christ to the fellowship and the community. c. To build the fellowship in spiritual growth and maturity to equip them for ministry. d. To provide a place for worship and development of an intimate relationship with God through prayer. e. Doing all to the glory of God.
3. Core Values: a. Prayer and Daily devotion - Teach believers of the essential need for daily prayer and Bible reading for it is in this manner which we commune with God and understand His ways. b. Biblical-based teaching - Teach the whole of Scripture, recognising every word is God-breathed and profitable for all areas of life and challenge-able for all ages of the Church community. c. Communion and worship - To consistently observe the ordinance of communion as an integral part of the worship service, and to worship God in the spirit of unity and truth. d. Evangelism/Missions- (local and world-wide) - The local mission is to care for the needs of those outside of the body of Christ and to proclaim the Gospel to them and to support other missions with the same goals and beliefs. e. Equipping through discipleship - Train through discipleship the fundamental principles of the faith and equip others to do the same. f. Pastoral care - Care for the needs of the fellowship, with the view to strengthen and encourage them towards maturity in Christ.